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13th International Zebrafish Conference

作者:admin 发布时间:2018/2/21 8:00:00



June 20-24, 2018
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Abstract and Early Registration Deadline March 15, 2018

The International Zebrafish Conference (IZFC – renamed from “International Conference on Zebrafish Development and Genetics” to reflect the broadening scope of zebrafish research work) is returning to Madison, Wisconsin June 20-24, 2018.  This has been the key, not-to-be-missed conference for the worldwide zebrafish community for the last several decades, and the 2018 organizers are working hard to ensure that this meeting will be the best one yet, including:


·30+ plenary, concurrent, & poster sessions showcasing the latest zebrafish research

·12+ dynamic workshops highlighting cutting-edge new technologies

·Numerous exhibitors displaying the latest research tools and equipment

·Extensive opportunities to network with colleagues and suppliers

·A lakeside BBQ picnic and closing banquet and party with live band and dancing

·Inexpensive university housing and a conference meal plan for limited budgets


Register now and be sure to attend this critical zebrafish conference!

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