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Between 877 bp to 888 bp of the wild-type rusc2 coding sequence, GTGTGGTTGA, is deleted. The mutated rusc2 codes for a truncated protein containing 311 aa, 292 aa of which are identical to wildtype rusc2. Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ195
Between 877 bp to 878 bp of the wild-type rusc2 coding sequence, T, is inserted. The mutated rusc2 codes for a truncated protein containing 295 aa, 292 aa of which are identical to wildtype rusc2. Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ196
Between 591 bp and 592 bp of the wildtype nod1 coding sequence, a “A” is inserted. The mutated nod1 codes for a truncated protein containing 200 aa, 197 aa of which is identical to wildtype nod1. Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ197
590 bp to 595 bp of the wildtype nod1 coding sequence, TCATCA, is inserted into GATGACGC. The mutated nod1 codes for a truncated protein containing 196 aa, all of which is identical to wildtype nod1. Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ198
Between 103 bp and 104 bp of the wildtype ripk2 coding sequence, a “A” is inserted. The mutated ripk2 codes for a truncated protein containing 48 aa, 34 aa of which is identical to wildtype ripk2. Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ199
Between 73 bp and 74 bp of the wildtype ripk2 coding sequence, ACCGGTGATCCCGT, is inserted, while 93 bp to 103 bp of the wildtype ripk2 coding sequence, GCACTACATCA, is deleted. The mutated ripk2 codes for a truncated protein containing 32 aa, 24 aa of which is identical to wildtype ripk2. Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ200
102 bp to 103 bp of the wildtype ripk2 coding sequence, CA, is mutated into T. The mutated ripk2 codes for a truncated protein containing 58 aa, 33 aa of which is identical to wildtype ripk2. Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ201
Between 149 bp to 152 bp of the wild-type cadm1a coding sequence, TG, is deleted. The mutated cadm1a codes for a truncated protein containing 63 aa, of which 49 aa are identical to wildtype cadm1a. Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ202
Between 150 bp to 155 bp of the wild-type cadm1a coding sequence, GGAA, is deleted. The mutated cadm1a codes for a truncated protein containing 55 aa, of which 49 aa are identical to wildtype cadm1a. Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ203
149 bp to 151 bp of the wildtype cadm1a coding sequence, TGG, is mutated into ACAGCCTACT. The mutated cadm1a codes for a truncated protein containing 66 aa, of which 49 aa are identical to wildtype cadm1a. Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ204
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