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If you need this line, please email to CZRC to obtain a further MTA. Thank you! CZ248
If you need this line, please email to CZRC to obtain a further MTA. Thank you! CZ249
5bp insertion in exon 6;Between 874 bp to 875 bp of the wildtype rngtt coding sequence, TGGGG, is insertion. The mutated rngtt codes for a truncated protein containing 306 aa, of which 598 aa are identical to wildtype rngtt CZ254
89 bp deleted in Exon 1 CZ255
4 bp inserted in Exon 2 CZ256
17 bp deleted from position 51 to 67 CZ257
N terminal 261 amino acid of vinculin b fused with EGFP CZ258
Lateral view of alive tg(tg:EGFP)embryo at 60hpf showing strongred fluorescence in the thyroid primordium during thyroid budding. CZ261
Between 136 bp to 162 bp of the wild-type ush2a coding sequence, GCCCCTCAGGGCAACTT, is deleted. CZ262
Between 577 bp to 580 bp of the wild-type lrrn1 coding sequence, AACC, is deleted. The mutated lrrn1 codes for a truncated protein containing 196 aa, 192 aa of which is identical to wildtype lrrn1 CZ263
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