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Song, Y., Tao, B., Chen, J., Jia, S., Zhu, Z., Trudeau, V.L., Hu, W. (2017) GABAergic Neurons and Their Modulatory Effects on GnRH3 in Zebrafish. Endocrinology. 158(4):874-886 CZ417
Further MTA needed from the Yong-Hua Sun Lab. CZ418
Further MTA needed from the Yong-Hua Sun Lab. CZ419
Between 34 bp to 40 bp of the wild-type lurap1 coding sequence, CCTGATT is mutated to GAAAGTGAAAAG in exon 2. The mutated lurap1 codes for a truncated protein containing 254 aa, of which 286 aa are identical to wildtype lurap1. CZ420
Between 759 bp to 761 bp of the wild-type fzd3a coding sequence, CTT is mutated to TCTTGGGCATATTCTTGGG in exon 4. The mutated fzd3a codes for a truncated protein containing 271 aa, of which 2058 aa are identical to wildtype fzd3a. CZ421
Between 414 bp to 422 bp of the wild-type fzd8b coding sequence, GGATCCGAA is mutated to TACTGGG in exon1. The mutated fzd8b codes for a truncated protein containing 149 aa, of which 576 aa are identical to wildtype fzd8b. CZ422
Between 635 bp to 642 bp of the wild-type fzd10 coding sequence, ACTCCAAC is mutated to CCTGTGCCCCCAAGT in exon 1. The mutated fzd10 codes for a truncated protein containing 429 aa, of which 580 aa are identical to wildtype fzd10. CZ423
Between 101 bp to 102 bp of the wild-type rnf220a coding sequence, GC is deleted in exon 3. The mutated rnf220a codes for a truncated protein containing 251 aa, of which 307 aa are identical to wildtype rnf220a. CZ424
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