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pTol2(actb1:MCS-UTRactb1) Tol2 Transposable Element, beta actin promoter and multi-clone sites CZP25
pTol2(piwil1:egfp-UTRnanos3) Transgenic construct for specifically label the germ cells from the embryonic stage to adulthood of zebrafish CZP26
pGGdestISceIT2EG-3sgRNA Construction of pGGDestTol2LC-sgRNA vectors CZP35
pGGdestISceIT2EG-4sgRNA Construction of pGGDestTol2LC-sgRNA vectors CZP36
pu6a:sgRNA-1 U6-based sgRNA expression vectors CZP37
pu6a:sgRNA-2 U6-based sgRNA expression vectors CZP38
pu6a:sgRNA-3 U6-based sgRNA expression vectors CZP39
pu6a:sgRNA-4 U6-based sgRNA expression vectors CZP40
pTol2(CA-zCas9B-AT) Common Carp beta-actin Promoter drive Cas9 expression CZP41
pTol2(kop:zCas9B-UTRnanos3) kop promoter drice zCas9B expression CZP42
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