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  • 基准单价:
    营利性:¥1200(Adults)/Unit  ¥600(Embryos)/Unit  
    非营利性:¥600(Adults(5 pair))/Unit  ¥300(Embryos)/Unit  
  • 友情提示:为保证传代质量,野生型种鱼不支持少量订购,10对起订
  • 特别提醒:“Availability”(品系提供方式)为“Frozen Sperm”的品系仅提供由冻存精子复苏的胚胎,不支持Adult/Embryos购买,下单时请务必选择Frozen Sperm,以免订单无效,耽误您的时间。
  • 服  务:由 国家斑马鱼资源中心 发货。
  • * 本收费用于补助CZRC所发生的运行和人工成本。
CZRC Catalog ID: CZ1
Wild-Type Line: AB
Abbreviation: unspecified
Availability: Embryos/Adults
AB品系仅对非营利性机构提供,营利性机构请勿下单。营利性机构如自行下单和汇款,恕不办理退款手续。The AB line is derived from two lines, A and B, purchased by Streisinger at different times from a pet shop in Albany, Oregon. The original A and B lines probably originated from a hatchery in Florida. Haploid offspring from individual females of the AB line were screened for healthy, good looking embryos, and those females were used to make future generations by crossing them to unselected males. The AB line was maintained in this manner by the Oregon labs from the 1970's to the 1990's. This procedure reduced the number of lethal mutations so that this line can be used for parthenogenesis.By 1991 the AB fish were 70 generations removed from the original wild-type fish that George Streisinger and Charline Walker used to establish the AB line.The *AB (pronounced star-AB) line was derived from the AB line in 1991-1992, using 21 EP (homozygotes produced by the early pressure method) females (no males). These females were selected by Charline Walker from among 180 females on the basis of the phenotype of their haploid embryos. The eggs from these females were subjected to the EP procedure to produce diploid stocks that were kept separate from each other. Each set of progeny was given a separate stock number (S#). These fish were then intercrossed in as many ways as possible. The resulting fish (from six S#s) were used to make the first *AB stock in June of 1992.This stock is currently called AB, instead of *AB, even though it is only distantly related to the original Streisinger AB line. The AB line is currently maintained by a "Round Robin" mating technique: Approximately 60-66 males and 30 females from several different generations are used to make each new generation. Sperm from the males is collected into 6 tubes. An individual's sperm is in only one tube. Eggs are obtained from each of the 30 females. Each clutch is divided and fertilized with sperm from several different tubes. The divided clutches are kept separate from each other. The 15 best looking embryos from each clutch are kept and scored for how many fish survive and produce swim bladders. To be selected for propagating the AB line, 13/15 (86.66%) of the fish must develop swim bladders. Embryos from clutches that pass the swim bladder and survival test are then mixed in equal numbers to form the next AB stock.The ABC line is related to the *AB line but has not been propagated by round robin method. ABC fish have been maintained either by natural crosses or by in-vitro fertilization. Records are available at the University of Oregon Zebrafish Facility for the number of individuals contributing to the stock at each passage and the method used for maintenance at each generation. The number after ABC (e.g., ABC-1, ABC-2, etc.) designates the number of generations the stock is away from *AB. In December 2008, the stock was ABC-6.
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