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ZKO number ZKO130
Recent progress of this line F1 individuals have been identified
Gene name interferon-induced GTP-binding protein MxB
Ensembl ID ENSDARG00000087845
Zebrafish strain AB
Cas9 target site 1 sequence sense strand
Cas9 target site 2 sequence
Position in the gene exon1
Restriction enzyme (RE) T7
PCR primer (forward) caggagcatcactgggagacaatta
PCR primer (reverse) tataattttcccctcaccactgccc
Length of expected PCR product (bp) 327
Length of expected RE digestion product (bp) 277+50
Plasmids used for making Cas9 mRNA pXT7-hCAS9
Plasmids?used?for?making?gRNA pMD19T-gRNA
Primers?used?for?making?gRNA Pr-ZKO 130
Dosage of injected Cas9 mRNA (ng/ul) 200
Dosage of injected gRNA (ng/ul) 20
Survival rate of F0 embryo @ 1dpf (%) 80
Method to estimate mutation efficiency T7EI detection
Stage of the embryos collected for mutation detection
Mutation efficiency in F0 embryos (%) 50
? (gel?picture?or?sequencing?picture)
Mutation type deletion
Germline transmission efficiency in adult F0 20
Wild-type (WT) sequence gggaaagagttcggttctggagg
Germline mutations in selected F0
 (By screening F1 embryos)
F0-1 gggaaagagttcggtt-tggagg
F0-2 gggaaagagttcgg----ggagg
Mosaicism in selected F0
 (By screening F1 adults)
F0-1 gggaaagagttcggtt-tggagg
F0-2 gggaaagagttcgg----ggagg
Allele name and predicted product 130a
Truncated protein 77aa
Truncated protein 76aa
填表时间 2014/3/28
修改时间 2016/9/23
PI/负责人 (工作单位)
Genotype Information:
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地址:武汉市东湖南路7号中科院水生所; 电话:027-68780570; 网址:; 邮箱:[email protected]
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