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571 bp to 577 bp of the wild-type lrrn1 coding sequence, ACCCCCA, is mutated into GG. The mutated lrrn1 codes for a truncated protein containing 206 aa, 190 aa of which is identical to wildtype lrrn1. CZ264
Between 767 bp to 770 bp of the wild-type kdrl coding sequence, AGTG, is deleted. The mutated kdrl codes for a truncated protein containing 280 aa, 255 aa of which is identical to wildtype kdrl. CZ265
At position 825 bp of the wild-type tp53 coding sequence, G, is mutated into TGATT. The mutated tp53 codes for a truncated protein containing 337 aa, 274 aa of which is identical to wildtype tp53. CZ266
Between 822 bp to 825 bp of the wild-type tp53 coding sequence, GCAG, is deleted. The mutated tp53 codes for a truncated protein containing 364 aa, 273 aa of which is identical to wildtype tp53. CZ267
4 bp deleted between 719 bp to 722 bp of the wild-type trpv1 coding sequence, AGAG, is deleted in exon 5. The mutated trpv1 codes for a truncated protein containing 250 aa, of which 813 aa are identical to wildtype trpv1. CZ268
In 704 bp of the wild-type trpv1 coding sequence, C, is mutated into GAG in exon 5. The mutated trpv1 codes for a truncated protein containing 252 aa, of which 813 aa are identical to wildtype trpv1. CZ269
Between 702 bp to 703 bp of the wild-type trpv1 coding sequence, GG, is mutated into AAA in exon 5. The mutated trpv1 codes for a truncated protein containing 256 aa, of which 813 aa are identical to wildtype trpv1. CZ270
This mutant has a T to G transversion at the kri1 exon 1-intron 1 consensus splicing donor site which causes a frameshift and a premature stop codon leading to the production of a truncated protein. CZ271
C to T nonsense mutation in topbp1 gene causing an earlier stop codon before the eighth BRCT (BRCA1 C-terminus) domain and a putative C-terminus nuclear localization signal (NLS) of TopBP1 protein CZ272
9-bp deletion plus 2-bp insertion predicted to encode a truncated Foxc1a protein with only the first 50 aa of Foxc1a plus 20 mutated aa. CZ274
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